First of all, I haven't posted on my blog in at least 3 months. I had moved on to other creative avenues and with only a handful of fans, it was easy enough to not be so concerned about this particular blog. I even thought of deleting the whole blog at one time, but left it up, more for sentimental reasons than anything else.
However, much to my amazement and surprise, not only do I have a new reader, but I think I was Googled! How exciting is that? One may say I'm famous. Okay, we don't need to go that far, but here's the lowdown for those of you that haven't heard the story yet:
Friday at work with The Mayor, quiet as usual. We have this "don't talk to me, I won't talk to you" thing going and it works well. I enjoy it. She's in and out all morning with her phone and that's fine. Suddenly, she's inside on the phone, making a big production out of something or other and I found this slightly odd, because this doesn't usually happen, unless it's for my benefit. All I could hear was that it was "VERY SERIOUS", but I didn't really pay any attention to it. Suddenly, the backup phone rings and it's Diana asking me about the work schedule so she can schedule some conference call or something on her day off or whatever and she finally asks me if I've said anything to my co-worker, to which I laughed and replied "no". All quiet on the western front. Diana said that The Mayor called her cell while she was doing something important and told Diana that she needed to come to the office right away, it was very serious and that it involved Diana, too. I could have cared less. It's something new every day.
A short while later, I hear The Mayor going back outside, par for the course, and suddenly I hear yelling and it sounded like Diana. Again, my phone rings and she's yelling about how The Mayor had her come to the office to tell her that I stole from her and she finally has proof. Again, I was like, "whatever" and I think Diana got really pissed this time, but I knew I hadn't stole from her or anyone for that matter, so I didn't care. If she felt like there was truly a problem, she wouldn't be calling Diana, she would be calling our Manager.
So, the rest of the day goes by and not a single word from The Mayor. The last guy is done and leaving and I'm going through the closing procedures, blah, blah, blah, when suddenly, from around the corner comes the poster child for "Valium and Scotch Don't Mix" and I screamed, "Jesus!" It thrusted a photocopied and stapled bunch of papers into my face and asked, "Is that you?!?!" As soon as I got over the fear that this thing only wanted a question answered and I got over the face, I realized what it was holding and answered it. It was a copy of my blog. Well, isn't that sweet?! A fan club! She actually Googled me and found my page and copied it, but didn't have the decency to leave a comment. But wait, what did I steal? That's right boys and girls...not a damn thing. As you can see in my last post over 3 months ago, it states that I went into her "personal locker", not that I took her plastic earrings. And now, class, how many of you actually believed that I went in there? That's right, not one of you.
All I could do was laugh. I said to her, "Do you mean that I was right? What I wrote in there is what's actually in your locker?" This made me laugh even harder, plus I had to pee so bad and that wasn't helping. She also went on about how I came in the one day and all the lights were on, the door open and the alarm not set. Apparantly, NO ONE even TOLD her that she did this. I reported it to my manager and not a word was ever said to her about it. Fucking AMAZING!!!
So, we go through the usual thing where she yells at you, stammers her words, threatens you and The Mayor ends up walking out of the office and sat in her car oogling me until I got in my car and left...nothing new. She thinks this is grade school and that staring people down is threatening, but whatever.
So, here we are once again, with a new and improved blog, which brings me to another subject...if it's new, how can it be improved? Never mind. Let's not forget Middle Finger Monday, boys and girls. We haven't had that little ditty in quite some time. Can you guess who get sthe award this week, class? Kudos to all of you for being so smart!
Lesson for today:
*Don't Google for dirt on people and then get pissed off at what you find...nobody told you to go looking for dirt in the first place! What did you think you were going to find anyway?
*If you don't like what you're reading, for heaven's sake, don't come back and read it again. For example, I went into a bar years and years ago that scared the hell out of me and I didn't like it. Guess what? I didn't go back. I've been to other blogs that I didn't like and guess what? That's right, you're getting the hang of it...I didn't go back and read it ever again. See the pattern?
At least if she comes in with a copy of the new post, it has a much better picture of me this time.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
The Mayor
Working with the Mayor of Crazy Town, although entertaining for me, has got to be exhausting for the Mayor. She comes in, in the morning, shuts "off" the lights, proceeds to pull out the loudest keychain ever created and makes a big production of retreiving her belongings from her private locker. I was accused of stealing her personal file (the house schedule we all had to follow) and therefore everything has to be locked up. Well, I snuck into the locker and found out was so personal. We're talking:
1. A copy of the latest magazine she's reading.
2. Her personal writing utensil (A blue medium point Bic)
3. A 3 X 3 square of blue Post-Its
4. Her daytime supply of Wellbutrin and Valium for the week...A great combination.
5. Her signed copy of the schedule (the one that she doesn't follow)
6. A pair of vintage-looking (but really plastic) pair of clip-on earrings.
She is very concerned for her belongings and she has every right to be, especially when there's a thief loose in the "house". However, when I arrived at 5 am this morning, I wasn't feeling an air of concern for "belongings". As a matter of fact, the lights were still on, the door was not locked and the alarm was never set. I suppose in a manner of speaking her things were still safe because if anyone had come in there, they wouldn't have a key to HER locker, but what good would her personal belongings be if someone had come in and stole the 10 computers in here? You would have no job, Mayor!
And yet, she still manages to keep her job. She really must be related to George Bush, because it amazes me how much one person can fuck up and still get paid to do a job, or pretend you're doing it, anyway.
I'm assuming she's exhausted from all that pretending you're working thing and was so tired, she forgot to shut off the lights, set the alarm and lock the door. Maybe I should invest in a locker, too. Someone could steal my stash of bananas.
On another note, has anyone else noticed that Condoleeza Rice looks like an African American Barbie that had her head squished in from the sides or is it just me?
1. A copy of the latest magazine she's reading.
2. Her personal writing utensil (A blue medium point Bic)
3. A 3 X 3 square of blue Post-Its
4. Her daytime supply of Wellbutrin and Valium for the week...A great combination.
5. Her signed copy of the schedule (the one that she doesn't follow)
6. A pair of vintage-looking (but really plastic) pair of clip-on earrings.
She is very concerned for her belongings and she has every right to be, especially when there's a thief loose in the "house". However, when I arrived at 5 am this morning, I wasn't feeling an air of concern for "belongings". As a matter of fact, the lights were still on, the door was not locked and the alarm was never set. I suppose in a manner of speaking her things were still safe because if anyone had come in there, they wouldn't have a key to HER locker, but what good would her personal belongings be if someone had come in and stole the 10 computers in here? You would have no job, Mayor!
And yet, she still manages to keep her job. She really must be related to George Bush, because it amazes me how much one person can fuck up and still get paid to do a job, or pretend you're doing it, anyway.
I'm assuming she's exhausted from all that pretending you're working thing and was so tired, she forgot to shut off the lights, set the alarm and lock the door. Maybe I should invest in a locker, too. Someone could steal my stash of bananas.
On another note, has anyone else noticed that Condoleeza Rice looks like an African American Barbie that had her head squished in from the sides or is it just me?
Friday, July 21, 2006
I just don't like people.
If you've known me longer than 5 minutes, you've heard me say, "I just don't like people" or "People scare me". Although for the most part this isn't necesserily true, people do scare and annoy me from time to time. I recently received an email from a good friend and it highlighted 9 reasons why I don't like people, in general.
Read on and see if you agree:
1. People who point at their wrist while asking for the time.... I know where my watch is pal, where the hell is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the toilet is?
2 People who are willing to get off their ass to search the entire room for the T.V. remote because they refuse to walk to the T.V. and change the channel manually.
3 When people say "Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too". Damn right! What good is cake if you can't eat it?
4 When people say "it's always the last place you look". Of course it is. Why the hell would you keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this? Who and where are they? Gonna Kick their asses!
5 When people say while watching a film "did you see that?". No Loser, I paid money to come to the cinema and stare at the damn floor.
6 People who ask "Can I ask you a question?".... Didn't really give me a choice there, did ya sunshine?
7 When something is 'new and improved!' Which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have been something before it, couldn't be new.
8 When people say "life is short". What the hell?? Life is the longest damn thing anyone ever does!! What can you do that's longer?
9 When you are waiting for the bus and someone asks "Has the bus come yet?". If the bus came would I be standing here, dumbass?
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say, "enough said".
Read on and see if you agree:
1. People who point at their wrist while asking for the time.... I know where my watch is pal, where the hell is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the toilet is?
2 People who are willing to get off their ass to search the entire room for the T.V. remote because they refuse to walk to the T.V. and change the channel manually.
3 When people say "Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too". Damn right! What good is cake if you can't eat it?
4 When people say "it's always the last place you look". Of course it is. Why the hell would you keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this? Who and where are they? Gonna Kick their asses!
5 When people say while watching a film "did you see that?". No Loser, I paid money to come to the cinema and stare at the damn floor.
6 People who ask "Can I ask you a question?".... Didn't really give me a choice there, did ya sunshine?
7 When something is 'new and improved!' Which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have been something before it, couldn't be new.
8 When people say "life is short". What the hell?? Life is the longest damn thing anyone ever does!! What can you do that's longer?
9 When you are waiting for the bus and someone asks "Has the bus come yet?". If the bus came would I be standing here, dumbass?
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say, "enough said".
Saturday, May 20, 2006
That damn Karma...Biting me in the ass!
We've all seen or have heard of the show where Earl has his list of things he needs to correct so that he no longer has bad Karma...My list is getting longer every day and Karma is chomping down harder and harder in a variety of ways:
1. I have interviewed so many times at Hamot, I'm on a first name basis with the receptionists, yet I still have no job. Something to do with lack of experience. Hey, people...I was in the top 3 of my class. Did I bust my ass to get good grades for nothing? Gimme a job, already. Okay, maybe I didn't bust my ass to get good grades, but I did get good grades. Plus, I had to "bank" hours to take time off during school so that the fine doctors in Pittsburgh could perform a 6-hour surgery on my son. All the while, I did not fall behind in my studies. That should say something, at least. Furthermore, lack of experience?!?! I didn't have a lick of experience when I got hired at a Nuclear Pharmacy, yet in no time, I was compounding, drawing,, packing, and shipping radioactive drugs to Hamot Heart Institutes from Ohio to New York. Now, if I can learn all the ins and outs of isotopes and millicuries, I think I can room a patient, for God sakes!
2. I was told I had to move out of the cottage because the landlord wanted to use it for personal use. I am so naive; I believe everyone. "Oh, the sky isn't blue you say? Gee, I always thought it was blue. Well, if you say so, I believe you." I went to check the mail at the cottage that would have arrived before the change of address had gone through and right there in the front picture window, big as the sun setting on the lake was a "FOR RENT" sign. Imagine that? I texted my mom and told her what happened. Her reply? "I smell a crazy bitch!" I peed myself from laughing. Then I remembered that I'm living with my parents and will probably die an old spinster in the spare room. Just me and the cat, old and gray, rocking in the rocking chair.
Okay, I can whine and cry all day, but truth be told, this is Karma giving me a little wake-up call, saying, "Michelle, you've got to mend your ways." I may start a list, like Earl and go around, perhaps also with a sibling of mine, and mend my ways. I have 5 brothers and sisters, anyone up for some mending of the ways? I can start here and say, publicly, that I have done wrong.
I was in a relationship that was rocky and when things weren't looking good, I stepped out, and when she kicked me to the curb, I sought comfort in the man that I had stepped out with. While I was with him, I told him that my relationship with her was going nowhere and while I was with her, I told her that I was not seeing him at all. In the end, I ended up messing with people's feelings and made myself out to be the biggest asshole of all. She thought he was an asshole, he thought she was an asshole, and "SURPRISE", I'm the biggest asshole! Probably no real way to mend this, but I sent them an email letting them know this and that it would be best if I not continue a relationship with either of them and we can all go our separate ways.
So, Karma, can you cut a girl some slack and give me a little something to work with here? I think losing in the love department and losing the cottage are some pretty good punishments, but can you throw me a bone here with the job thing? That would be swell!
Gotta go, there's a list to be made. Hey Tammy, you busy this week?
1. I have interviewed so many times at Hamot, I'm on a first name basis with the receptionists, yet I still have no job. Something to do with lack of experience. Hey, people...I was in the top 3 of my class. Did I bust my ass to get good grades for nothing? Gimme a job, already. Okay, maybe I didn't bust my ass to get good grades, but I did get good grades. Plus, I had to "bank" hours to take time off during school so that the fine doctors in Pittsburgh could perform a 6-hour surgery on my son. All the while, I did not fall behind in my studies. That should say something, at least. Furthermore, lack of experience?!?! I didn't have a lick of experience when I got hired at a Nuclear Pharmacy, yet in no time, I was compounding, drawing,, packing, and shipping radioactive drugs to Hamot Heart Institutes from Ohio to New York. Now, if I can learn all the ins and outs of isotopes and millicuries, I think I can room a patient, for God sakes!
2. I was told I had to move out of the cottage because the landlord wanted to use it for personal use. I am so naive; I believe everyone. "Oh, the sky isn't blue you say? Gee, I always thought it was blue. Well, if you say so, I believe you." I went to check the mail at the cottage that would have arrived before the change of address had gone through and right there in the front picture window, big as the sun setting on the lake was a "FOR RENT" sign. Imagine that? I texted my mom and told her what happened. Her reply? "I smell a crazy bitch!" I peed myself from laughing. Then I remembered that I'm living with my parents and will probably die an old spinster in the spare room. Just me and the cat, old and gray, rocking in the rocking chair.
Okay, I can whine and cry all day, but truth be told, this is Karma giving me a little wake-up call, saying, "Michelle, you've got to mend your ways." I may start a list, like Earl and go around, perhaps also with a sibling of mine, and mend my ways. I have 5 brothers and sisters, anyone up for some mending of the ways? I can start here and say, publicly, that I have done wrong.
I was in a relationship that was rocky and when things weren't looking good, I stepped out, and when she kicked me to the curb, I sought comfort in the man that I had stepped out with. While I was with him, I told him that my relationship with her was going nowhere and while I was with her, I told her that I was not seeing him at all. In the end, I ended up messing with people's feelings and made myself out to be the biggest asshole of all. She thought he was an asshole, he thought she was an asshole, and "SURPRISE", I'm the biggest asshole! Probably no real way to mend this, but I sent them an email letting them know this and that it would be best if I not continue a relationship with either of them and we can all go our separate ways.
So, Karma, can you cut a girl some slack and give me a little something to work with here? I think losing in the love department and losing the cottage are some pretty good punishments, but can you throw me a bone here with the job thing? That would be swell!
Gotta go, there's a list to be made. Hey Tammy, you busy this week?
Friday, May 12, 2006
Here we go! School is almost out. Let the games commence. We are already trying to start laying the ground rules for this kid for summer and it's not pretty.
He used to have rules. You couldn't spend every night out just because it wasn't a school night and everybody and their brother was not going to be at our house, just "hanging out".
You could not leave your dirty dishes in the living room or your bedroom because you were not allowed to eat in those rooms, unless it was popcorn with a movie and then you need to run the sweeper if it got all over the floor, because occasionally it happened. We're all human.
I don't think we fussed about the kids making their beds and other little insignificant things. All we wanted was for them to respect the common spaces and take care of their rooms. Of course, it was a constant battle, but the job got done. Their were times when we wondered why we had to repeat ourselves on a daily basis to people that would be out on their own in a matter of years, but the job did get done.
This, my friend, is the joy of raising kids.
Now, suddenly, certain people don't understand why it's a battle. Well, he was taken out of obeying rules because he didn't think we were doing right by asking him to do these things and now you want him to obey the same rules that he always had to obey in the first place and you wonder why he's looking at you like you've lost your mind.
We didn't put out the rules because we thought arguing with kids on a daily basis was fun. We did it because that's what needed to be done. So, if you're having a hard time expecting him to suddenly follow rules when he's been able to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, wherever he wants to do it, then you're just going to have to sit back and expect some turbulence. My job will be to remind him that these used to be the rules and that this is not actually something new, it's just being reintroduced...kind of like bell bottoms. Hey, look how people took to bell bottoms when they made a comeback. All in due time, all in due time.
It's gonna be one hell of a summer watching how this trainwreck plays out.
He used to have rules. You couldn't spend every night out just because it wasn't a school night and everybody and their brother was not going to be at our house, just "hanging out".
You could not leave your dirty dishes in the living room or your bedroom because you were not allowed to eat in those rooms, unless it was popcorn with a movie and then you need to run the sweeper if it got all over the floor, because occasionally it happened. We're all human.
I don't think we fussed about the kids making their beds and other little insignificant things. All we wanted was for them to respect the common spaces and take care of their rooms. Of course, it was a constant battle, but the job got done. Their were times when we wondered why we had to repeat ourselves on a daily basis to people that would be out on their own in a matter of years, but the job did get done.
This, my friend, is the joy of raising kids.
Now, suddenly, certain people don't understand why it's a battle. Well, he was taken out of obeying rules because he didn't think we were doing right by asking him to do these things and now you want him to obey the same rules that he always had to obey in the first place and you wonder why he's looking at you like you've lost your mind.
We didn't put out the rules because we thought arguing with kids on a daily basis was fun. We did it because that's what needed to be done. So, if you're having a hard time expecting him to suddenly follow rules when he's been able to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, wherever he wants to do it, then you're just going to have to sit back and expect some turbulence. My job will be to remind him that these used to be the rules and that this is not actually something new, it's just being reintroduced...kind of like bell bottoms. Hey, look how people took to bell bottoms when they made a comeback. All in due time, all in due time.
It's gonna be one hell of a summer watching how this trainwreck plays out.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Feast or Famine
I had the second interview today at Forest Hills. Both Dr. Rodak and Dr. Russo-Colt took time out of their lunch hour to interview me. It should have been a little unnerving being interviewed by the doctors that run the practice, but they were both very down-to-earth and easy to talk to. I'm assuming they'll make a decision this week, since whoever gets the position will be starting on the 24th.
After the interview, I get a call from HR for Pearson telling me they made a decision and that my first day is tomorrow (Wednesday) at 8 am. Okay? Okay, I guess. At the risk of sounding ungrateful, I thought, "where have you people been all summer?" I'm glad it's happened either way, but it would have been nice, well, you know. So, tomorrow I will go to Pearson, fill out my paperwork for HR, pretend I'm learning the ropes and wait for the call from Forest Hills. I have to say I do feel a little secure knowing that at least if Forest Hills falls through and I'm not chosen for the job, I do have Pearson to fall back on for now. The only thing that sucks right now is both Diana and Cathleen will be there tomorrow and you just don't know the trauma of listening to the Golden Girls argue their day away...Ugghhh!
After the interview, I get a call from HR for Pearson telling me they made a decision and that my first day is tomorrow (Wednesday) at 8 am. Okay? Okay, I guess. At the risk of sounding ungrateful, I thought, "where have you people been all summer?" I'm glad it's happened either way, but it would have been nice, well, you know. So, tomorrow I will go to Pearson, fill out my paperwork for HR, pretend I'm learning the ropes and wait for the call from Forest Hills. I have to say I do feel a little secure knowing that at least if Forest Hills falls through and I'm not chosen for the job, I do have Pearson to fall back on for now. The only thing that sucks right now is both Diana and Cathleen will be there tomorrow and you just don't know the trauma of listening to the Golden Girls argue their day away...Ugghhh!
Monday, April 17, 2006
Love Me Like a Song
put your arms around me
listen to my heartbeat now
if you want to love me
baby, i can show you how
love me like a song
sweet as a melody
learn all the words to me
and sing along
find the harmony
the rhythm and the rhyme to me
on and on
all night long
love me like song
i want to be the melody
you can't get out of your head
think of me as words of love
a poet might have said
love me like a song
sweet as a melody
learn all the words to me
and sing along
find the harmony
the rhythm and the rhyme to me
on and on
all night long
love me like song
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Happy Easter!

Jesus is Risen!
Okay, enough of that now. A little update for those of you that give a shit. The cottage in Findley Lake is not gonna happen, at least not right now. Now some of you may be happy about that, some of you may be sad, but either way, it's just not meant to be right now and you know how I feel about that. When it's meant to be, it'll be...all in due time.
I was called back for my second interview at Forest Hills, FINALLY! Hello, people, I have patience, but it's smeared as thin can be now. Debbie finally called and said I could interview with the staff on Tuesday, the 18th on their lunch hour and whoever gets the job, starts on the 24th. I could really use some positive thoughts right about now and hopefully there'll be one less piece of shit on this full plate of mine. Maybe if one thing goes right for me, then there'll be another and another and so on. That's not to say that I don't consider myself blessed, because I do and I'm not even trying to say "woe is me" because that's not how I feel. I just need to plant my feet firmly somewhere and getting this job would be a great start. It's gonna suck ass not having the cottage or any cottage on any lake, but I'm pretty sure I'll live; I'm grateful for what I do have. It could be a hell of alot worse, as we all know. So, a big shout out to everyone and anyone who let me lean on their shoulder; it's not an easy thing for me to do, but some of you made it easier to lean on and I'll always appreciate that.
As far as school goes, right now I'm leaning towards staying at Mercyhurst Pre-Pharmacy and getting into LECOM's accelerated program and be done in 5 years. It just requires me pulling a 4.0 grade average. Should be easy enough to do, right? That's all for now..."Thank You" to everyone, you're truly and dearly loved.
We've all lost a day here and there due to fever-induced comas when we've had the flu or had a hangover so bad, we've slept the day away, but I really fucked up the other day and it wasn't due to illness or drinking.
I have a pill I take in the morning and one I take at night. The one I take at night, I have to cut in quarters because it's way too strong for me and and knocks me out, even in quarters. I went to take my morning pill and without even looking and being in a rush, I ended up taking a whole night pill. I think you know where this is going. That's four days worth of drug in me at once. I didn't even realize I had done it until about a half hour later, I was a little sleepy, which I thought was strange because that never happened to me with that pill. I go look at the bottle and all I could say was, "Oooohhhhh SHIT!!!!"
It just so happened, I had Britain since the night before and Tammy and Matt weren't picking her up until the afternoon. I hurried up and fed her and got her vanload of things together and hurried into town, praying my Mom would at least be home in case this got worse. She wasn't home. I was also supposed to cut my Dad's hair that afternoon when he got out of work at 3 p.m. and I was kind of figuring he wasn't gonna be too thrilled about me holding clippers to his head in my condition. I know I'm going out on a limb with that one, stop me if I've gone too far, but I think it was a pretty safe bet.
On the way into town, Tammy texted me and let me know they were on their way, so I left Britain in her seat where she was safe and I half laid on the loveseat at Mom and Dad's and just stared at her until they got to the house. Once they left, I rolled over and passed out. Next time I woke up, Mom came through the door and asked me if I was sick and I explained to her what had happened. She looked at me quizzically and said, "that's not like you." No shit, Mom. The highlight of my day is not to be in a drug-induced coma.
A little while later, Lori calls and asks me if I wanted to follow her out to North East so I could at least be with my things and change clothes and be comfy. What the hell was I thinking?! I still can't believe I drove all the way from Erie to North East in that condition, or at least I'm pretty sure I did; I don't remember much. Last thing I remember, I walked in the door, found the bed, passed out, clothes on and all. At some point, I did strip off half of my clothes and I do remember Lori bringing me food at one point in time, but that's all I remember until sometime the next day.
I do have to say, the most memorable point of all of this was the awesome dreams and visions I was having. A lot of them centered around age 8 or so. A few from my adult years, which were quite nice, also. :o) The funniest one I remember from when I was little was when I was standing on the porch waiting for the bus and I was screaming and crying because my Mother was making me wear mittens to school and they were two different colors. I also remember when our Mom made us put our feet in bread bags before we put them in our boots to keep our feet extra warm and dry. Another one was when we were at this laundromat in Wesleyville, although I'm not sure why because I remember we had a washer and dryer, but anyway, we would go play in this cemetery behind the laundromat. Just a lot of really, weird, acid-trip types of things. 24 hours later, it pretty much wore off and I was in so much pain and so stiff from sleeping so long, but I got up, took some Advil, got a nice shower and enjoyed the beautiful day. And Dad finally got his haircut, which made him happy.
I have a pill I take in the morning and one I take at night. The one I take at night, I have to cut in quarters because it's way too strong for me and and knocks me out, even in quarters. I went to take my morning pill and without even looking and being in a rush, I ended up taking a whole night pill. I think you know where this is going. That's four days worth of drug in me at once. I didn't even realize I had done it until about a half hour later, I was a little sleepy, which I thought was strange because that never happened to me with that pill. I go look at the bottle and all I could say was, "Oooohhhhh SHIT!!!!"
It just so happened, I had Britain since the night before and Tammy and Matt weren't picking her up until the afternoon. I hurried up and fed her and got her vanload of things together and hurried into town, praying my Mom would at least be home in case this got worse. She wasn't home. I was also supposed to cut my Dad's hair that afternoon when he got out of work at 3 p.m. and I was kind of figuring he wasn't gonna be too thrilled about me holding clippers to his head in my condition. I know I'm going out on a limb with that one, stop me if I've gone too far, but I think it was a pretty safe bet.
On the way into town, Tammy texted me and let me know they were on their way, so I left Britain in her seat where she was safe and I half laid on the loveseat at Mom and Dad's and just stared at her until they got to the house. Once they left, I rolled over and passed out. Next time I woke up, Mom came through the door and asked me if I was sick and I explained to her what had happened. She looked at me quizzically and said, "that's not like you." No shit, Mom. The highlight of my day is not to be in a drug-induced coma.
A little while later, Lori calls and asks me if I wanted to follow her out to North East so I could at least be with my things and change clothes and be comfy. What the hell was I thinking?! I still can't believe I drove all the way from Erie to North East in that condition, or at least I'm pretty sure I did; I don't remember much. Last thing I remember, I walked in the door, found the bed, passed out, clothes on and all. At some point, I did strip off half of my clothes and I do remember Lori bringing me food at one point in time, but that's all I remember until sometime the next day.
I do have to say, the most memorable point of all of this was the awesome dreams and visions I was having. A lot of them centered around age 8 or so. A few from my adult years, which were quite nice, also. :o) The funniest one I remember from when I was little was when I was standing on the porch waiting for the bus and I was screaming and crying because my Mother was making me wear mittens to school and they were two different colors. I also remember when our Mom made us put our feet in bread bags before we put them in our boots to keep our feet extra warm and dry. Another one was when we were at this laundromat in Wesleyville, although I'm not sure why because I remember we had a washer and dryer, but anyway, we would go play in this cemetery behind the laundromat. Just a lot of really, weird, acid-trip types of things. 24 hours later, it pretty much wore off and I was in so much pain and so stiff from sleeping so long, but I got up, took some Advil, got a nice shower and enjoyed the beautiful day. And Dad finally got his haircut, which made him happy.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Are you living your dreams, dear Pisces? Are you still in touch with them? The energy from today's planetary aspects can lend strength and encouragement to this part of your life. Seize the opportunity to take hold of the things that you want most of all. Ask yourself this question: What do I want people to say about me at my funeral? Get yourself back on track on the road to a fulfilled life by taking direct steps towards your desires.
Got milk?
Warm weather is here and for me, that means...ICE CREAM!
However, for those of you that know me, you know what that also means...I'm gonna be SICK!
But, I can't help it, I gotta have it. Peanut butter sundaes, Cherry Icee floats, Banana Blizzards with twist ice cream, the list goes on and on. By the time I made it to Dairy Queen last night, they were actually closed, so I had to settle for a Good Humor King Cone, which I couldn't even finish, but at least it hit the spot for the time being.
Then...oohhh, the pain! It'll only hurt for a little while, it'll be okay. It's never enough to stop me from going for it the next night...and the next...and the next. I love summer and it's not even here yet and oohhh, do I love me some ice cream! I just wish it loved me, too.
However, for those of you that know me, you know what that also means...I'm gonna be SICK!
But, I can't help it, I gotta have it. Peanut butter sundaes, Cherry Icee floats, Banana Blizzards with twist ice cream, the list goes on and on. By the time I made it to Dairy Queen last night, they were actually closed, so I had to settle for a Good Humor King Cone, which I couldn't even finish, but at least it hit the spot for the time being.
Then...oohhh, the pain! It'll only hurt for a little while, it'll be okay. It's never enough to stop me from going for it the next night...and the next...and the next. I love summer and it's not even here yet and oohhh, do I love me some ice cream! I just wish it loved me, too.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Uuhhh...Excuse me?
Can I get a little breathing room here, people?! Seriously, though, thanks for the concern regarding my current situation everyone. I do appreciate the advice and knowing I have "options", but I got to tell you, I am about as overwhelmed as a lonely tadpole in a trout pond. Not that there's anything that can be done about it, but doing what needs to be done. I've always been a procrastinator when it came to the whole "shit or get off the pot" thing. Right now there are too many items stacked on the plate and I'm already full. I guess when I figure it all out, my people will call your people. I'm still open to advice, I just need a minute. By the way, thank you Jillian, for the 411 regarding the Rx programs; it is appreciated. You're a doll, but you knew that.
Now where is that damn knife?
Now where is that damn knife?
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
A day to fly your garden flags at half-mast
Yes. 'Tis a sad day. Soon the cottage that I have come to know and love and call "Home" and my personal refuge will soon be a thing of the past. I'm still numb from the shock; I'm trying to apply my "everything happens for a reason" logic to this situation, but as we well know, we don't always get to know the reason right away. It would just make things so much easier if I knew.
I did call on a cottage on the lake in Findley Lake, but have not received a call-back on it yet. We shall see. It's so adorable and tiny like the one I'm in now, minus the studio in the back, but I haven't seen the inside of it yet. Findley Lake is more of a distance away from the family and friends and such and I feel like I'm just slowly inching away from everyone, but if it's meant to be, then so be it. Time will tell.
There are so many factors going into this move, it's beyond overwhelming. I'm considering not continuing Mercyhurst Pre-Pharmacy and finding a college that you stay at through the whole six years. The only downfall is that LECOM has the accelerated program and I wouldn't be eligible for that being at a different university and a lot of these places are done accepting applications for the year. In a way, I'm not worried about getting into LECOM after Mercyhurst because I don't foresee problems with grades, but I sure wish I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. It would be so nice right about now.
So, in honor of the cottage, I'm going to hang my garden flags at half-mast. If I could hang my bird feeders at half-pole, too, I would do it. I suppose this will have to do for now.
I did call on a cottage on the lake in Findley Lake, but have not received a call-back on it yet. We shall see. It's so adorable and tiny like the one I'm in now, minus the studio in the back, but I haven't seen the inside of it yet. Findley Lake is more of a distance away from the family and friends and such and I feel like I'm just slowly inching away from everyone, but if it's meant to be, then so be it. Time will tell.
There are so many factors going into this move, it's beyond overwhelming. I'm considering not continuing Mercyhurst Pre-Pharmacy and finding a college that you stay at through the whole six years. The only downfall is that LECOM has the accelerated program and I wouldn't be eligible for that being at a different university and a lot of these places are done accepting applications for the year. In a way, I'm not worried about getting into LECOM after Mercyhurst because I don't foresee problems with grades, but I sure wish I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. It would be so nice right about now.
So, in honor of the cottage, I'm going to hang my garden flags at half-mast. If I could hang my bird feeders at half-pole, too, I would do it. I suppose this will have to do for now.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Bus Stop
Bus stop, wet day, she's there, I say, "Please share my umbrella."
Okay, enough of the Hollies.
I'm driving through Harborcreek today and I see what I thought was my younger sister Tammy all alone sitting at a bus stop bench. I mean, it really could have been her with the blonde, curly hair and all. The fact that she was at a bus stop in Harborcreek should have been enough to say, "Wait, that's not Tammy." You'd think. It took me getting close enough to see that she had on a NASCAR windbreaker to realize that it wasn't her. You don't have any NASCAR windbreakers, do you Tammy? I'm gonna go with "no" on that one.
Okay, enough of the Hollies.
I'm driving through Harborcreek today and I see what I thought was my younger sister Tammy all alone sitting at a bus stop bench. I mean, it really could have been her with the blonde, curly hair and all. The fact that she was at a bus stop in Harborcreek should have been enough to say, "Wait, that's not Tammy." You'd think. It took me getting close enough to see that she had on a NASCAR windbreaker to realize that it wasn't her. You don't have any NASCAR windbreakers, do you Tammy? I'm gonna go with "no" on that one.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Gettin' old, Mom?
One of the first signs of old age is surely when you save Kleenex in your bra or the saving of anything used, in general. While working with my Mom last week, I found out she saves the paper towels that we use to clean the dry erase boards. I found three of them, dried up with a tint of blue on them. So, at the end of the day after I cleaned the monitors in the testing room, I asked her if I should save the two pieces I used, considering they weren't really dirty, just wet from the Windex. Do you know she gave me a look like I was the crazy one? Why is it okay for her to save them and not me? I guess I'm just not old enough yet. Checked your bra lately, Mom?
Friday, April 07, 2006
Hey! It's "Bring Your Goat To Work Day"!
I have been filling in at the warehouse that Tess works at, just doing some parts work for them with these parts that came out of PR China. There are 800 pieces in each crate and you have to take them out, one by one, gauge them, and repack them. All throughout these 8 or 9 crates we worked on, I noticed an unusual amount of animal hair, of which I figured came from a variety of domesticated goats. After picking this hair off of the parts for a few days, I finally asked Tess if she could call ZELRI, this company from China and ask them what the deal is. Come to find out, the day they packed these parts it was "Bring Your Goat To Work Day".
Theresa's coworker, Jim said that he has found a multitude of things in these crates, the most recent being some type of bird seed. That was from "Bring Your Chickens To Work Day". He's wondering how long it'll be before he finds a human finger in one of these crates. What would that be from? "Bring Your Severed Appendage To Work Day"? They sure have some strange customs over there in the Far East.
Theresa's coworker, Jim said that he has found a multitude of things in these crates, the most recent being some type of bird seed. That was from "Bring Your Chickens To Work Day". He's wondering how long it'll be before he finds a human finger in one of these crates. What would that be from? "Bring Your Severed Appendage To Work Day"? They sure have some strange customs over there in the Far East.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
I'm kissing you
Pride can stand a thousand trials,
The strong will never fall.
But watching stars without you,
My soul cried.
Heaving heart is full of pain,
Oh, the aching.
I'm kissing you,
Oh,I'm kissing you.
Touch me deep, pure and true,
Gift to me forever.
I'm kissing you,
Oh,I'm kissing you.
Where are you now?
Where are you now?
I'm kissing you,
I'm kissing you, oh!
The strong will never fall.
But watching stars without you,
My soul cried.
Heaving heart is full of pain,
Oh, the aching.
I'm kissing you,
Oh,I'm kissing you.
Touch me deep, pure and true,
Gift to me forever.
I'm kissing you,
Oh,I'm kissing you.
Where are you now?
Where are you now?
I'm kissing you,
I'm kissing you, oh!
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Ahhh, Spring is in the air!
It appears that in Erie, it is once again that time of year, Spring Cleanup. This brings to mind a phone call I received a couple years back early in the evening from my Dad
"Hey, Much. What are you doing? You want to go garbage-picking with me tonight?"Aahhh, the memories. Happy 56th, Dad! Thanks for dinner! Hope you get a lot of use out of that camouflaged duffel bag.
"Um, you know what, Dad, I'm actually busy right now. I'm stabbing my eardrums with a furniture upholstery hook, but maybe next time."
Friday, March 31, 2006
What is it about when people become visibly irritated when you make a mistake that makes you want to piss them off more? Just askin'. Say maybe you're a cashier and you ring something up wrong and they roll their eyes and shake their head and it just makes you want to see how angry they can really get. Hey, you're at the starting gate, why not finish the race?
We'd like to take a moment to interrupt your usual program-
To the few bloggers out there who read this blog the past few days, I would like to say pardon the interruption. For those of you that had the privilege of bearing with me through the pain and the pain medication, thanks to you, too. I have to say that I somewhat enjoyed the creativity that Tylenol with codeine brought out in me, but I'd also like to say I'll pass..."No thanks, I'm full."
On that note, the creativity has been permanently deleted and we can now commence with the usual sarcasm that this blog was originally intended for. We now return to our regularly scheduled program. And for those of you that chose to post anonymously, fuck off! Get a backbone!
On that note, the creativity has been permanently deleted and we can now commence with the usual sarcasm that this blog was originally intended for. We now return to our regularly scheduled program. And for those of you that chose to post anonymously, fuck off! Get a backbone!
Monday, March 27, 2006
What's that about?
At the doctor's office, or basically any reception area, we've all been privileged to witness the old stand-by of, "I'm counting to three." This particular day a woman had a pre-schooler and we all got to hear her count many, many times. And you all know how this went: "One, two, two-and-a-quarter, two-and-a-half, two-and-three-quarters, I'm gonna count to three!" Um, I think you were well on your way. The majority of the waiting room was more than willing to offer up a hand to beat the child for her. Maybe she felt it was something that shouldn't have been done in public, but we were all okay with it, seriously. Now I know there are those of you that don't believe in spanking and to a degree, I am one of those people. However, I was more than willing to do the honors. Do you think she would have been offended had we offered?
Friday, March 10, 2006
Oops, my bad!
I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for sending a forward. It was a forward that I received from a friend and it contained photographs with "ghosts" in the backgrounds. For those of you that received the forward and actually felt like you HAD to send it to at least 5 people or you would actually have bad luck, please do accept my sincerest apology. See, for those of you that read my blog (when I get around to fucking updating it), you already know that I can't stand forwards that tell me I have to send it on or else. BUT, I choose to delete or simply ignore those forwards. If it's a forward that asks me to send it back to the original sender and it meant that they are a special friend, I may try to send it back to said friend because maybe they just need to know that they're remembered, seeing how I don't always get the chance to hang out with certain friends as often as I used to. HOWEVER, on this occasion, I thought the photos were kind of interesting and I thought certain people that enjoy the paranormal as I do may enjoy viewing the photos also. Therefore, I chose to send it on and I did it as a forward because in the past when I have tried to only send the pics, the email has pretty much gone through as a blank and who the hell wants to receive a blank email? For those of you that maybe didn't think the photos were all that and couldn't care less, let me know and I'll be sure to not send you things that I feel are of interest. Let's just say, "My bad." For those of you that may not know this, I would like to add another item to the list of things I don't like: ASSHOLES. Thanks, people, I'm out of here. Have a good one.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Just Shoot Me...
...when I turn 60 and do lunch with "the girls" and I happen to pull out the latest drug that was prescribed to me by the doctor for whatever the hell is ailing me and practically give the ladies a commercial about it.
...when I pull the Beano out of my purse because my lunch mate is complaining about foods that give her gas. Don't order the damn broccoli or cabbage or whatever it is that's gonna give you gas. And stop talking about your gas in public. Please.
...if I ever eat Yogurt Cheerios and start singing as horribly as they do on the commercial. "Woke up this mornin', feeling fine". Please, just put the gun to my temple now.
That's all I have to say right now. Bye.
...when I pull the Beano out of my purse because my lunch mate is complaining about foods that give her gas. Don't order the damn broccoli or cabbage or whatever it is that's gonna give you gas. And stop talking about your gas in public. Please.
...if I ever eat Yogurt Cheerios and start singing as horribly as they do on the commercial. "Woke up this mornin', feeling fine". Please, just put the gun to my temple now.
That's all I have to say right now. Bye.
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