Monday, March 27, 2006

What's that about?

At the doctor's office, or basically any reception area, we've all been privileged to witness the old stand-by of, "I'm counting to three." This particular day a woman had a pre-schooler and we all got to hear her count many, many times. And you all know how this went: "One, two, two-and-a-quarter, two-and-a-half, two-and-three-quarters, I'm gonna count to three!" Um, I think you were well on your way. The majority of the waiting room was more than willing to offer up a hand to beat the child for her. Maybe she felt it was something that shouldn't have been done in public, but we were all okay with it, seriously. Now I know there are those of you that don't believe in spanking and to a degree, I am one of those people. However, I was more than willing to do the honors. Do you think she would have been offended had we offered?

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