Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A day to fly your garden flags at half-mast

Yes. 'Tis a sad day. Soon the cottage that I have come to know and love and call "Home" and my personal refuge will soon be a thing of the past. I'm still numb from the shock; I'm trying to apply my "everything happens for a reason" logic to this situation, but as we well know, we don't always get to know the reason right away. It would just make things so much easier if I knew.
I did call on a cottage on the lake in Findley Lake, but have not received a call-back on it yet. We shall see. It's so adorable and tiny like the one I'm in now, minus the studio in the back, but I haven't seen the inside of it yet. Findley Lake is more of a distance away from the family and friends and such and I feel like I'm just slowly inching away from everyone, but if it's meant to be, then so be it. Time will tell.
There are so many factors going into this move, it's beyond overwhelming. I'm considering not continuing Mercyhurst Pre-Pharmacy and finding a college that you stay at through the whole six years. The only downfall is that LECOM has the accelerated program and I wouldn't be eligible for that being at a different university and a lot of these places are done accepting applications for the year. In a way, I'm not worried about getting into LECOM after Mercyhurst because I don't foresee problems with grades, but I sure wish I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. It would be so nice right about now.
So, in honor of the cottage, I'm going to hang my garden flags at half-mast. If I could hang my bird feeders at half-pole, too, I would do it. I suppose this will have to do for now.


Jillian said...

I understand your point about the Rx programs. Mind you, MH/Lecom is very fast and you WILL be done and out before you know it (YEAH)....6 Years, such as Pitt are extremely spread out, but your opportunities are greater when you graduate. I also heard that Pitt's admissions only included 4.0's. Im sorry, but I think this was no help to you.

Michelle said...

It does help to know that, although it does add another edge to this "figuring it out" shit. Some people may be excited to know that the house in Findley Lake is a no-no; too much money for me right now. Me likey, but me no likey to pay out the ass. Can I at least get a reach-around, people? Speaking of edges, can anyone assist me here? I've been on the lookout for a knife with a dull, rusty blade. I even looked on eBay and found nothing. Hmmph! Must keep searching...