Friday, September 23, 2005

"Discover How A 5’11” Tall Hair Dresser Standing Waist-2-Face With Her Clients

...9 Hours Every Day Effortlessly
Dissolved Every Trace Of Her Vaginal Odor And She Did It Practically Overnight!
Exploding Her Confidence and Self Esteem Uncovering The True Love Of Her

Wha...what the...?! Jesus on a bicycle! I decided to put the google ads on my blog, just for fun and I thought it was kind of neat and I go to the blog to see how it looks and what do I see but an ad asking if you have fishy, vaginal odor? Is this a joke? I clicked on the ad and while you view the page there is this audio of a testimonial playing and these people are fucking serious! There's actually a section of the page that says,
"We sure hope your vaginal odor, or bacterial vaginosis (BV), is not as bad as Allison's and I really hope that you don't have to stand, like she does- with your crotch six inches from your customer's nose all day, but that is why we wanted to share her story. Allison was able to rid herself of vaginal odor, vaginitis, and other related symptoms. Of course we wanted to share her answer, her triumph over this vaginal infection, with you----"

Even better, during the testimonial, she's talking about how she was alembarrassedassed to have sex with her husband and how it controlled her life. HUH?!?! Someone married the fish? She had sex with this man and he still married her? Holy shit! How long were you gonna let that nasty shit rot up in there? What if she hadn't seen or heard about this medication? Was she just gonna let the shit rot off? That is so wrong and so foul.


Kristen said...

I'm sorry, but who's vag doesn't have the faintest whiff of Charlie the Tuna to it? F*ck Yahoo Ads for judging us!

Tam said...

I really like the new layout. You're doing a great job here. Come visit my blog!