Monday, September 12, 2005

Middle Finger Monday

We're going to start a little tradition here, people. It's called, "Middle Finger Monday". I don't think it requires much explanation, so I'm just gonna get started on the list. Here goes:

* The dumbass brats at the Hamot ER waiting room on Sunday that decided to bang on just about everything in the kid's area after turning the magnetic table upside down, banging on that. To you, I offer the middle finger. Hey people, they weren't "little" kids...they were old enough to know better. And while I'm at it, a middle finger to the dumbass parent that left their kids alone in the ER waiting room, here's to you.

* The "Friendsheep Tribe" on BB6: Naggie, Ape, and Evilette. I have never seen a more grotesque example of judgemental people since the days of segregation. Get over yourselves, for cripes sake! Go Jedi Janey! By the way, get off the "Cappy" train already. He's GONE!!! Not dead, just evicted, like your asses are about to be. Watching BB6 is so hard this season. It's like watching a train just can't stop, but at the same time you are overwhelmed by feelings of, I dunno, sadness, anger, just a mixture too hard to describe. Also, the biggest middle finger of all goes to Jen Vasquez (already evicted and quarantined) of the "Friendsheep Tribe". You are one of the saddest people around, bitch. You parents must be even sadder wondering how in the hell they created something so awful. I'm inundated with feelings of nausea when you are on the TV screen. You suck. Watching you constantly roll your eyes at people makes me wanna roll the eyes outta your head!

*"The Therapist" across the way. Get a life and quit staring at us already! Sadly, I didn't even know she WAS staring, but a few people kept mentioning it to me, like "why is she looking at us?"...uhh, she has no friends and no life, obviously. It's creepy to think she may have night-vision goggles, binoculars, or perhaps a webcam. I was thinking I should parade around in my front yard in a tankini. I think a 200 lb. woman in a tankini would scar the retinas of even the strongest ogler. For you, both middle fingers.

*The guy at Moonsense that made Tammy's Chai Tea. What the fuck, asshole. We didn't say you HAD to work chose to work there, so how about a little cinnamon on the chai and a damn saucer already? Quit slacking on the customer service, man. Thank goodness our paninis were so damn good, we were wet with anticipation of eating them, although that may be because you had no hand in making them, 'eh? From now on, you ask my lil sissa if she wants some damn cinnamon and give her a saucer under her mug and whatever else she may need; that's what service is about, you anticipate the needs of the customer. For you, the finger! Hey, if you don't like your job, get a new one...Country Fair is always hiring.


Tam said...

I think you've been to the ER more this year than some of the nurses that work there.

Im with you all the way on BB6! And poor Kayser, who thought Jen had a bit of a soul when he made a deal with her. "Swear on ma life!" Well I guess when you don't have one to begin with...

Michelle said...

I wasn't there for me, damnit! I like to accompany loved ones to the ER for "moral support" if you will. It's my duty.

Kristen said...

I'm not getting what flipping the bird has to do with Teresa kicking Americas trash can. How unpatriotic of her.