Wednesday, September 07, 2005

"Les-Fest 2005"

Pam and Lori, a.k.a., "The Wife", a.k.a. "Halfpint"

Sandra and Andie

Josh, a.k.a. "Weasel"

Well, I'm finally getting around to posting about my Labor Day weekend. It was a blast, to say the least, but it certainly had its moments. Pam says, "Hey, why don't we all camp out at my place in Girard?" Okay, we were a little skeptical because money was tight this week, but what does it cost to camp? We pack up the tent, clothes, bedding, food to grill, alcohol,and head out Saturday afternoon. We sat there and B.S.'d for a while, drinking a little bit and getting to know a new face, Josh. I nicknamed him Weasel after 5 minutes of knowing him because he annoyed the living hell out of me. I know we all have our issues, but he was way over the top! Even after I let him know he was annoying, he just kept on annoying me. What the hell! Anyway...All of a sudden, there's this pickup driving by slowly with Ohio plates and they pull into the driveway next to where we are all sitting. The guy in the passenger seat announces that they work for a wholesale meat company or something like that and that if we buy the last case, they can go home to Ohio and enjoy their weekend. Dudes, this guy and chick were selling meat out of a freezer in the back of the pickup truck. Well, Andie & Sandra (who are a couple) decide to split the cost and the meat with Pam and they brought out all of the meat for everyone to inspect. We're talking burgers, filet mignon, steaks, ribeyes, blah, blah, blah. (I'm not up-to-date with my knowledge of cuts of meat) Pam says, "I've bought from this company before, it's great!" You know what, it was great. We ended up grilling some of it the next night of camping and it was damn good steak. Okay, you go brother. After the big meat purchase, we decide that it's gonna be forever before we get to eat because we don't have the salad, veggie salad, fruit salad and corn prepared. The grilling and bon-firing are all happening a few doors down at her friend's house. So, we pack up all of our necessities and head over where more meetings of people and drinking occur. It's almost dark and we're getting ready to prepare all of this food. (Mind you, 75% of the people are inebriated, if not more) It's all good though. Good times are waiting to be had. Finally, the eating happens and suddenly Sandra has had her fill. Apparently, she's been drinking since 10:30 that morning. Gawd! Andie helps her to their tent and comes back in time for us to begin the bonfire. It was so much fun. Everybody was so funny and relaxed and finally about 1:30 am, Halfpint and I decide we've had enough and head back to the tent, also.
We all get up the next day to the resident drama queen, Weasel, going on and on again about anything and everything. We decide that we're going out to eat breakfast, but he was never invited. See, the only reason he was there is because he lives at Pam's house with Pam's roommate, Jason. Well, Jason works 12-hour days and Weasel is home all day to annoy the shit out of us. Yippee!!! Now Pam has to explain to him that she has company over and she is going to take us to the diner and he should not assume that her friends are automatically his, etc. Then he goes on about how he's depressed and needs to be around people because when he's alone, he tends to do stupid things. Oh my fucking gawd! Pam and Jason work 12+ hours about 6 days a week and your ass is alone and today you're suicidal?!?! The answer to the question is...YES...We left his ass behind and tried like hell to avoid him all day. I think we all know the type and poor Pam was trying like hell not to clock this kid and kudos to her for keeping her cool, but he sure needs a good clock-cleaning. Anyway, Saturday night was just as much fun as Friday, if not more, because no one got too drunk and everyone pretty much hung out all night by the warm fire. It was just a really great weekend and I felt the need to share. Thanks for listening! Thanks Pam, Andie, Sandra, Tony, Doreen, Kenny and Karen and the Backstreet Boys (Tony & Doreen's boys) for a great time. Can't wait to do it again!


Tam said...

Please tell me Andie is wearing a do rag of some sort and not a toupe'.

Michelle said...

Hat on backwards.