Monday, September 19, 2005

Middle Finger Monday

I'm posting late today because I was blessed with many nightmares last night which has put me in a foul mood today. That's what I get for eating onions right before going to bed. Anyway, with much enthusiasm (can you feel it?) here goes:

*To the chick in front of me on the bayfront waiting to make a left turn at the green light: Perhaps if you could get off the cell phone, you would have noticed an hour ago that there was plenty of time to make a left turn and if you think I'm sitting through a green arrow while you are going all italian on the cell, I will definitely get out and pull a "Diana" on you. Don't think it wasn't about to happen, 'cus bitch, it was! I know we've all had our days on the cell in the car, but if I fuck up in the car while on the phone, I deserve the finger, too.

*To the assholes that decided to egg Pam's car during "Les-Fest": Fuck off! That is so lame and gradeschool, people! Anyone can drive by and throw an egg at a car; it doesn't take much balls to do it, but how about sticking around awhile and someone's house. I mean, c'mon, next time at least make it worth your while. Quit being such pussies. That's right, Tam, they were being pussies! Sorry you had to hear it.

*Whoever is responsible for the phone system at the doctor's office. It must be Verizon because we all know when Verizon's on the line, there's gonna be a problem. My kid is sick, damnit, can someone do something about the damn phones?!?! The best part is that the medical secretaries are feeling like they're on vacation because they don't have to answer the phone, except for the few people who have brains enough to call the upstairs office and get transferred to the downstair's office.

Well, people, not too exciting today, perhaps I shall post tomorrow about the fun of this weekend's Les-Fest. Next weekend, we'll be taking it on the road and enjoying the Winefest in North East. What the hell, I live in the middle of wine country, might as well make the best of it! Lata!

1 comment:

Tam said...

I know you posted about BB6 last MFM, but I just wanted to say, after last night's finale, that they we had our revenge. CBS was downright sadistic! All they kept spewing were facts about how popular Kayser, Janelle and Howie were. And humiliating April AGAIN with footage on Hurricane Howie and her "American's are peices of shit" montages. (Good thing I'm Canadian.) Yes, I they had their humble pie. Fucking Maggie. She'll probably buy a rainbow and give the rest to her further turtle collection.