Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Yes, it's funny now...

Another day with these animals and I think I'm gonna go crazy, although I think it'd be a short trip. Sometimes at night, one of the cats will come into the bedroom and try to get into the windowsill, but the blinds are in the way. What do they do? They will bat at the blinds repeatedly thinking it's going to make a difference, but all that ends up happening is my feet make it to that end of the bed and I gently kick them out of the way. So last night, I hear the blinds and I wake up and get ready to do the gentle kick and I keep doing it and doing it, but no cat, no matter where I move my feet to. Finally, I sit up to look and see where the hell the damn cat is, but there is no cat. It's the fan making the blinds move. Grrr...yes, it's funny now...

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