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I am special. I just had to share. I was sitting in my easy chair that rocks when it's not reclined, which might make it a recliner, but anyway, I had gone to the kitchen to get a glass of soda, came back to sit in my chair and enjoy a fun-filled hour of Iron Chef. (Fukai-San!) I sat down and with the soda in my right hand, leaned over to the end table, which is on my left. After setting the cup on the table, I leaned even farther to grab something and ended up being a few inches from doing a face plant, but the only thing keeping me up was my left shoulder digging into the end table. I did finally right myself and tears fell from my eyes for about a half hour or so from the pain in my shoulder, but when I look back I laugh hard at the thought of it and trying to picture what it would have looked like had I found someone in that predicament. Ah yes, it's funny now...
Another day with these animals and I think I'm gonna go crazy, although I think it'd be a short trip. Sometimes at night, one of the cats will come into the bedroom and try to get into the windowsill, but the blinds are in the way. What do they do? They will bat at the blinds repeatedly thinking it's going to make a difference, but all that ends up happening is my feet make it to that end of the bed and I gently kick them out of the way. So last night, I hear the blinds and I wake up and get ready to do the gentle kick and I keep doing it and doing it, but no cat, no matter where I move my feet to. Finally, I sit up to look and see where the hell the damn cat is, but there is no cat. It's the fan making the blinds move. Grrr...yes, it's funny now...
What a face! Looks innocent, huh? Today Donna turns 14 years old. We miss her innocent face, but not the gray hairs she gave us. Not surprisingly, her Dad has even more grey hair since Donna's been with him. We love and miss you, kid. Hope to see you soon! Behave!
HAPPY 43rd BIRTHDAY, HALFPINT!What can I say? She's loved for so many reasons; most of all, for her crazy comments that make sense to her, but make me laugh til I wanna pee my pants. After 4 1/2 years, there are so many, but today I'll share a couple with you. When discussing politics, not a favorite subject for me even though I do vote, she'll pipe in and say, "What am I again? Democrat or Republican?" Or last night when I made the comment that she's 43 and I've got another 40 years to put up with her, she says, "I'm not gonna live that long, I took that test on the internet." She said it so seriously; I told her it was definitely going into the blog. Well, Lori, hope your day is calm and peaceful. Love you!
This is a painting I did, called "Lilacs in full bloom". I thought it was okay; not great, but okay. Well, a renowned art critic said it could have used a few more flowers. Oh well, my arm was falling off damnit! Maybe next time.
This is Britain LeeAnn, the newest addition to our family. Now, I'm not saying she's my favorite, but you all know better. It's not because she's the newest niece or nephew, it's simply that I remember her Mom, Tammy, when she was born and it's like having one of your own kids having one of their own kids and it's absolutely amazing. I can't even imagine what's gonna happen when Hunter, Donna, or Michael has kids. I'll surely be a mess, I know. Britain will be 6 weeks old on Friday and to that I say "Salut!"
I just wanted to take a minute to remember Kimmy, a little friend of ours who passed away one year ago on the 15th of August. Her birthday is tomorrow, the 19th, and although she is sadly missed by all of us, we will never forget her. It was hard to see her go, but even harder to watch her go through so much suffering; it's nicer to think she's at peace now. We love you, Kimmy.
Okay, this is not going to be cute; it may actually be painful, but here it is. When I went to Great Lakes, I called Amanda "Mandy Lou" and it aggravated her over and over and then Scott and Carrie and Natalie all started calling her that, so in retaliation, I was dubbed Shelly Rae (Michelle Mae, hick-style) Now it has stuck. When I burn CDs, they are Shelly Rae's Dance Mix and so on and so on. I am so sorry you had to hear it, but there it is, like an open, oozing boil on the ass of society. Yes, I do wear plastic hoop earrings in the privacy of my own home. There, it's been said.
For all those that have come here because, perhaps, I said, "Hey, come see my new Blog!", hold off on the critical remarks. I don't want to hear, "Oh, it could use a few more flowers, maybe." I don't want you to think I can't take criticism, it's not that, it just depends on my mood for the day, that's all. See, no biggie. I can take it. Okay now I'm gonna go to the batting cages to take a few fastballs in the chest to toughen up. 'Kay, bye!
Well, in a weak moment, drunk on Darjeeling tea, I have decided to create my own blog. Hey all my friends are doing it! I am a big fan of at least 4 other blogs that require me wearing adult diapers while reading them. They have certainly inspired me and I hope I can entertain the masses with a smidgen of what they have done for me.