Monday, November 28, 2005


Fuck Middle Finger Monday. Fuck the days of the week; I don't like them either. They suck. Everything sucks.
In other news, I put my damn tree up last night and it is so adorable and it lights up the living room so nicely and softly. Every little snowman ornament is so happy to be back on the tree.
In even more pressing news, what's the deal with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degrees? If you have a 1st degree burn, it's minor, but 1st degree murder is supposedly more severe than 3rd degree. Either way, someone's dead, but who the hell asked me? So I think this has a possibility of confusing people and I think it sucks, too. For crying out loud, if 1st is gonna be worse, then everything 1st should be the worst. Of course, changing it now would really confuse the hell out of everybody far more than they may be now, so I suppose we should just let it go and not make things worse. Fine, I'll just let it go- for now.


Stephanie said...

I believe it's about the depth of the burn. First layer of skin, second layer, third layer. But yeah, that is backasswards when you think about it.

Tam said...

yes, and say you're writing a letter to your pen pal, who can't see the extent of the burn and you write about your third degree burn and they are like "well thats not so bad. Why the hell are you writing me about some hot water faucet burn?"? What then? Now murder in the first? What does that actually mean?

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